Welcome to Melfyn's Home
A site that features a collection of my digital photos, information about where I live and my interests.
First I'll tell you a little about me.
I am 49 years old at the time of writing this, I live in a small town in a picturesque part of North Wales called The Vale of Clwyd. The town is called Denbigh. It is a very historic town with an ancient castle ruin and lies near the northern end of the Clwydian Range of hills.
On this page you will find in addition to the links for the other pages of mine on this site, links to sites with more information about Denbigh, North Wales and the Vale of Clwyd.
It will also contain links to my other sites on the web.
Photo page
My Geocities
Information about
Photo page
My amateur radio
Information about
North Wales.
Photo page
My Tripod
More about the Vale
of Clwyd.
Photo page
My Web log
Links to other N.
Wales sites.
I hope you enjoyed your visit here, please remember to take a look at my other sites as well. Please drop by again soon, thank you for calling.
Regards, Melfyn.